We are a private specialty gym located in North Hollywood with tailored attention to all of our clients. Faster results, longer lasting habits, and the benefits of a VIP workout. We have clients from Burbank, Studio City, Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, West Hollywood, Van Nuys, Encino, Tarzana, Northridge, and Lake Balboa.
Fitness Over Hollywood is a private, specialty gym, and we do not operate like other gyms.
We have 3 main criteria’s we cater to for personal training:
We focus on your goals until they are accomplished.
We focus on your muscle gain goals until they are accomplished.
Fitness Over Hollywood is a private, specialty gym, and we do not operate like other gyms.
We have 3 main criteria’s we cater to for personal training:
Fat Loss (Transformations)
Women’s Physique
Events (Weddings/ Photos/ Summer/ Etc.,)
Training Includes:
Fitness Assessments & Training
Nutritional Counseling
Weekly Updates
Body Fat Calculations
Correction of Muscular Imbalances
Now, If you don’t mind…
I’m going to get very personal with you for a moment. I will share with you that my father was obese and had no diet at all. One day he suffered a heart attack while playing baseball with a group of friends.